Wytheville Branch Officers
2022 – 2023
To contact an officer, send a general inquiry to aauw.wythe@gmail.com and it will be forwarded to the recipient.
Alma Watson
Vice-President/ Programs:
Carolyn Dankowski
Maureen Baxter
Maureen Baxter
Recording Secretary:
Julie Kause
Public Policy Chair:
Anita Aymer
State Level Officer
Southwest District Representative:
Anita Aymer
By Laws Chair:
Anita Aymer
AAUW Funds: Maureen Baxter
Communications Chair: Anita Aymer
Webmanager: Bobbi Dillow-Walsh
Social Media Manager: Anne Harrison
Nominations Committee: Alma Watson
Library display: Janie Hardin
STEM Workshop: Anita Aymer (Chair),
Carolyn Dankowski, Janie Hardin, Anna Ray Roberts, Alison Pollard