State Dues Increase

Did You Hear??
The AAUW of Virginia Board is proposing to increase in state dues to $15 !!

It’s true. The word is out. State dues have not increased for AAUW of Virginia members for twenty years, but necessity offers us no alternative.
What used to cost $8 in 1991 now costs more than $13. The state board has stretched and stretched that $8 until it can’t be stretched anymore! We had to go into reserves this year to balance the budget. After great debate we determined that an increase, to $!5, will mean that we won’t have to consider another increase for years.
When given the option in 2009, AAUW of Virginia members determined that having a state board was something you wanted to keep. Here are some reasons why:

The state board is the link between National and the branches. We know how to get your questions and concerns to the right people at National. We make sure branches receive the resources you can use or know where to find them.

The state board is a direct connection to the branches: a layer of support and assistance.

The state website and Facebook page promote our branches to potential new members, especially younger women. We are “out there” for you!

Through the publication of the Vision we provide a way to share branch programs, events and ideas. We inform members of state activities and national initiatives.
The state lobbies in Richmond, representing more than 1300 members, which carries more weight than that of your individual branch or members.

We organize and provide state conferences where members and branch leaders can re-energize, learn, gather ideas, network, socialize, and feel the pride of being part of something bigger than ourselves.

Come to the AAUW of Virginia Making Waves Conference in Newport News, April 20-22, to contribute your two-cents-worth to the discussion! (Adjusted for inflation that’s $2.45.)

Patsy Quick
AAUW of Virginia Vice President for Communications